Story from:
18 Nov 2023
Presentation of Rugby uniforms for Popo Orokolo Rugby League Association and Hobo Rugby League
This evening staff members of Ihu Special Economic Zone project office presented rugby league sports uniforms on behalf of ISEZ management and Kikori District Development Authority (KDDA) to local representatives at Kerema town.
The presentation is under the chairmanship of Hon. Soroi Eoe, in their endeavours to support the development of sports in Kikori District. The presentation of the rugby uniforms is for Orokolo Popo Rugby League teams and Hobo Rugby League Association from Opa village in the Lower Ahia area of Ihu LLG.
The Kikori DDA, Minister Eoe’s Office, and ISEZ, presented nine sets of rugby uniforms to Orokolo Popo Rugby League Association, and another nine sets for Hobo Rugby League in the Ihu LLG of the Kikori District.
ISEZ Field Officer Sebastian Haraha handed over the uniforms to local representatives on behalf of ISEZ, Minister's office and KDDA and is thankful that these uniforms are delivered properly to them.
“I’m happy that these uniforms are handed over now, because there have been a lot of delays earlier. As a local man I know that the Youths will appreciate this so much because they have been lacking in sporting gear for a very long time,” said Mr Haraha.
One of the recipient representing Hobo Rugby League Association Mr Mark Loipe expresses his gratitude to the ISEZ staff members.
“As the chairman of the Hobo Rugby league, I would like to thank KDDA and ISEZ for providing us with this uniforms. There is a lot of potential in the village, and providing them with proper sporting gear will help boost their self-esteem and confidence when they play,” said Mr Loipe.
Recently, ISOU Rugby League Team had ended their training program for Kikori District at Koialahu village. Hopefully that has helped local Rugby League administration understanding of Rugby league and to raise the bar in how Rugby League needs to be managed in the village competition.
To also further expose talents locally, hopefully Orokolo Popo Rugby League gets under Kikori Rugby League which is recognized by PNGRFL, and play in their sanctioned games.